Monday, November 10, 2008

I have been tagged by the her sexiness narrative dancing in tragedy, like me a cockroach full of left legs, turning and spinning, mouthing the words in rhythmic harmony to nothing, but loving all of it, shit sakes that’s all off the subject. DT tagged me in this “what’s in my head thing”, OK:

Word for the week in my head...
Yakuzi – for Jaccuzzi after the weekend aaannndddd STEAM, cause you can look steamy, steam someone, steamroll someone, a heap of shit can be used with steam…now that was steamy.
Thought for the week in my head...
My bond is gonna be huge and it’s stressing me out.
Thing for the week in my life...
I don’t really want to go riding this coming weekend in Dundee (where things go to DIE), but I have committed.
Song for the week in my head...
Was digging some old school Metallica on the way back from Underberg, jammed and sang along…Forgiven – classic!
Food for the week in my belly...
Spiga D’ora Mafioso, mmm
Colour for the week in my life...
white, and yellow…I dunno
Smile for the week on my face...
I had such awesome naughties this weekend, makes me smile thinking about it.
Blessing for the week in my heart…
I am able bodied and use every part of me, I just appreciate having full use of my body, I still see that paralyzed dude and give him rides to his work when I can, gives me SUCH perspective…and stoked that Pharo is super positive and has affected me, she is so freaking cool!



Kim said...

Sunrise is in lurve!!! I am soooo happy for you! The bond will be worth the stress and I would kill to hear Forgiven again!

Sunrise said...

He he, (nervous laugh), wouldnt go as far as Lurrrve, looks like you back together with your beau? Yeah Forgiven rocked the tits off me!

Kim said...

No not quite - we just live toegether! It is a matter of logistics - but every now and then I do get a twinge of foolish hope!

Good - best to take it slow and enjoy each other!

Sunrise said...

Sheez, you still living together, and you not together, that must be HEAVY! Yeah, we going slow, and having heaps of fun in the process.

Stick to yor guns, be yourself.