Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Madagascar Lemur, strange critters!
When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation. Truman Capote

I have been really loving the time/s spent with Pharo, hell we get on like a forest fire. Why is it that in the act of loving you arm another person against you, when you start falling for someone you worry about comments made, subtlty and other little micro-goings on that you shouldnt be, do we look for problems because we shit scared of losing that person. Not that anything is wrong, everything couldnt be better, hell we planning a trip to Madagascar. To which I have already bought the tickets, yeah I blew my bolt a little too early on that one (honestly my travel agent misunderstood and just booked and paid on my credit card) - we leave on 9 April, cool huh. It has just given us something new to explore and talk about its been hellava fun!

A funny sight yesterday, Pharo and I go to her mates place to find out some info on Madagascar, as we discussing places to stay, what to expect, I hear the start of PreZ Obie's speech, I rush through to the TV room (in the mates house) to see a dude sleeping on the couch...I just thought how funny, one of the worlds most historic moments and the guy is sleeping. What does it mean, nothing, I just thought it was a funny sight in light of the moment. Good speech though, or did it sound like a bit of sermon to you?



po said...

I liked it. It was an inspiring speech.

Sunrise said...

Wasnt it one of the best, although in the end it sounded kinda preachy, like a sermon. Although it didnt come close to his "Yes we can" Speech, that was a crackA!